Columbia REN Leadership Committee
The CREN Leadership Committee is a coordinating body, advisory/decision-making committee of regional stakeholders.
This committee consists of representatives from our region and who's role is to identify regional priorities, allocate funding and other resources to network districts, and coordinate the partnerships between community organizations and the districts in Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Wheeler, and Gilliam counties.
The Coordinating Body is responsible for overseeing the work and implementation of REN priorities/initiatives in a way that maintains a regional perspective. This committee keeps a watchful eye on the impact of the change ideas, monitors success of implementation, adjusts priorities as needed, and course-corrects when necessary.
Our leadership team prioritizes educator voice and need. To ensure we center educators in our work, school-based licensed staff make the majority of our leadership structure.
Non-administrative members receive a stipend to compensate them for their time serving on our leadership team.
Leadership team members serve as a connector to the educators in their buildings and districts.
Using the information we gather from educators and the data available, this team is the primary body of decision makers.
Be change agents.
Bring educators' voices to the forefront.
*Non-administrative members receive a stipend for their time and commitment.
Coordinating Body Members

Hood River Representatives
Gus Hedberg
Kaitlin Brown
Kelsey Contreras

North Wasco Representatives
Janell Geary
Sarah Durham
Sandy Harris
Luke Vieira
Emmanuel Quevedo

South Wasco Representatives
Members Needed!

Dufur Representatives
Judy Ford

Sherman County Representatives
Ashley Macnab

Condon Representatives
Members Needed!

Arlington Representatives
Members Needed!

Mollie Carter
Jon McMurray

Spray Representatives
Members Needed!

Mitchell Representatives
Members Needed!

Additional Partners
Keelie Caudill - NCESD
Lynn Cowdrey - NCESD
K'Lynn Lane - Ford Family Foundation