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More Than a Rainbow
Mini Summit

Summit Mini SessionsOct2024.png

All sessions held on Zoom

More Than a Rainbow Virtual Summit Overview

This interactive, research-based training provides information and tools to support LGBTQ2SIA+ youth with appropriate and informed services. Participants will: become familiar with language and the diversity of LGBTQ2SIA+ identities; become familiar with LGBTQ2SIA+ Best Practices and how to incorporate them into any setting; understand intersectional identities; acquire simple tools and tips that can be easily implemented within 30 days. This summit is divided into six sessions. All sessions are highly interactive, with expectations for participants to use one zoom log in per participant. Individuals will need access to their own computer and be able to engage in breakout rooms.

October 8, 2024 - 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Language Guidance When Serving LGBTQ2SIA+ Youth

People use language in different ways, and the best practice is always to honor the language an individual uses to identify themselves. This session provides a fun way to better understand the most recent language used in LGBTQ2SIA+ communities. We will provide language guidance related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression (SOGIE). Participants will also be introduced to LGBTQ2SIA+ Best Practices with a focus on personal pronouns, inclusive language, and how to repair the relationship when a mistake is made.


First-time participants will receive a $100 stipend for attending.

Research shows that with high levels of family rejecting behaviors, LGBTQ youth have more than an 8 times greater likelihood of attempted suicide and an almost 6 times greater likelihood for clinical depression (high enough for medical intervention). With a range of affirming and supporting behaviors that risk drops significantly. Wellness, self-esteem, and overall health significantly increases. How many of these rejecting and accepting behaviors are young people also experiencing outside of the home? This workshop is designed around the Family Acceptance Project’s research, with a purpose of saving lives. We will review the research-based tool and understand how these rejecting and accepting behaviors impact risk and wellbeing. Participants will have strategies on how to be more approachable, understanding, more informed and less fearful.


First-time participants will receive a $100 stipend for attending.

October 9, 2024 - 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Rejecting & Accepting Behaviors: Unpacking Research

Training by itself is only helpful until life gets in the way unless we put mechanisms in place to reinforce the learning and put ideas into action. This session is designed to identify concrete steps and actions you might take immediately, and in the long run, to ensure the care you provide is safe, affirming, and culturally competent. Participants will review the best practices prior to attending the session. Once the session starts, participants will rotate through several small groups to discuss ways they are modeling best practices or brainstorming ways to decrease the gaps between their common practices and best practices. Case scenarios will be provided for participants to think about ways they might handle a situation through the lens of best practices. 


First-time participants will receive a $100 stipend for attending.

October 15, 2024 - 4:30 - 6:30 pm
LGBTQ2SIA+ Best Practices

This session highlights what microaggressions look like, who tends to experience microaggressions and why they are harmful. It also provides practical tips and guidance on how to respond to microaggressions in a way that ensures learning and maintains relationships.


First-time participants will receive a $100 stipend for attending.

October 16, 2024 - 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Understanding Microaggressions

Increasing cultural self-awareness involves deepening your understanding of how your own cultural values and practices are influenced by the groups you belong. This session provides participants with an opportunity to think about their social identities and how they fit within the frameworks of The Cycle of Socialization and its cousin, The Cycle of Liberation. These frameworks help us understand how we learn and unlearn bias and oppression.


First-time participants will receive a $100 stipend for attending.

October 22, 2024 - 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Social Identities and Cycles of Socialization & Liberation

Today we are recognizing the experiences and needs of transgender youth as never before. This trend is most evident in our youth programs and schools, where an increasing number of transgender and gender-expansive youth live openly as their authentic selves. Transgender youth have been identified as an especially vulnerable population in the already high-risk population of LGBTQIA2SIA+ youth. Too often in research and training transgender youth are lumped together with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer youth, not providing youth providers with knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with transgender youth. Coaching Leaders scaffolds participants learning to ensure they have the professional development needed to work with the widely diverse population of LGBTQIA2SIA+ youth. Objectives of this training include: 

  • Become familiar with basic concepts of gender. 

  • Become familiar with diversity of transgender youth identities and communities. 

  • Understand strategies and tools for creating gender-inclusive environments specifically related to Oregon Department of Education’s Guidance for Schools (Jan 2023).


First-time participants will receive a $100 stipend for attending.

November 6, 2024 - 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Supporting Gender Expansive Students
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